Hey UW bike community, This fall quarter we’ll be open on Monday and Tuesday of finals week for our normal 11 – 5 hours, then we will be closed for the rest of break! Good luck on finals!
The Bike Shop is currently deliberating the use of a new system, and we would like to get input from our customers! If you have time, please consider filling out this survey. It only takes 1 minute and it would help a lot! https://goo.gl/forms/tNbQDSST6D77fgWR2
Hey huskies, hope everyones summer has gone well. We are open for one more week this summer then we will be closed after Thursday August 23, until the start of fall quarter. If you have a bike with us or need something done, now’s the time! In other news, we […]
Howdy Huskies! Summer is right around the corner and we will be open for business. Unfortunately we will be closed during finals week, we will open up for regular summer hours on Wednesday, June 13. Our hours this summer will be Monday – Thursday: 10 AM – 3 PM If you currently have a […]
Hey UW! This month is bike month and we are teaming up with UW transportation services to promote bike commuting. Come catch us on Rainier Vista every Monday of May from 4-6 PM with our mobile bike maintenance trailer. Additionally, we have some classes on the calendar. The classes will […]
Our hours are back to normal this Spring Quarter, Monday to Friday, 11 AM – 5 PM. Come on in and take your bike out of its winter hibernation and get ready for another beautiful Seattle spring and summer! Look for us set up on the Burke Gilman trail this […]
Starting August 18th, we will be closed until September 18th when we reopen for fall quarter. We have contacted everyone whose bikes are at our shop by telephone, but there are still a few bikes left in the shop awaiting pickup. If we still have your bike, please email asuwbike@uw.edu […]
We are happy to announce that the application for mechanic positions at the Bike Shop is open! We are hoping to bring on 2-3 new mechanics starting as soon as possible. While mechanic experience is helpful, it is not a necessity; after all, we are a teaching shop. What’s more […]
We’re changing it up a bit: our summer quarter hours will be Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. We open back up on the 19th and will be open until school is out in August.